glitch.new/linksWith Glitch In Bio, instantly create a list of your favorite links and customize them for free.
glitch.new/websiteBuild a website using the basics: HTML, CSS and JavaScript.
glitch.new/nodeA simple Node app built with Fastify, instantly up and running.
glitch.new/reactOne of the web's most widely used frameworks. Deploys as a fast, always-on static site.
glitch.new/eleventyA simple static site generator that's perfect for building your new site.
glitch.new/sqliteUse a persistent SQLite database with your Node.js app
Try this:
Just type
in front of any GitHub repo URL to import it directly to Glitch, like glitch.new/github.com/11ty/eleventy-base-blog. - glitch.new/~project to remix any public project on Glitch.
- glitch.new/blank to get an ultra-minimal, ultra-fast HTML+CSS site.
Have an idea for a Glitch.new shortcut? Let us know by sharing on the forum!